Useless navigation, waste of time
People like to spend their time effectively in shopping malls. For this reason, they need to know their way around, to find where to shop and which route to choose to get there. But paper-based or improper navigation can make it quite difficult.
Sometimes, people don’t even know exactly what they’re looking for, misspell the name of stores or they only know the name of the product. A usual navigation software is inadequate to provide proper information in these cases.
The customer doesn’t want to learn how to use the software, and doesn’t want to turn the pages while trying to plan the route. People want to waste the least amount of energy on finding what they need.
Too much marketing noise, ineffective advertisements
Nowadays, common paper-based advertisements have no effect on customers. Due to banner blindness the messages can only reach them subconsciously. Customers get plenty, but still irrelevant information that barely makes any impact on them. The expensive advertising materials, and the hard work invested in the design remains unnoticed and ineffective.
Common advertising techniques cannot reach the target audience anymore draw their attention at the right time. In the age of interactivity, traditional advertising techniques seem to be out of date.
Customers are interested in relevant offers, but in the lack of an effective advertising channel the message often gets lost among the irrelevant ones. This is a loss for the customer and the store as well.
Incorrect and missing statistical data
Commonly known digital advertisements make inaccurate statistical reports.
They are providing inaccurate data, because they’re based on outdated trends and estimates. An audience composition report regarding gender, age and mood is only possible through quantitative surveys and researches, which are quite expensive and the accuracy of the provided data can be doubtful.
The lack of accurate statistical data is a critical mistake in marketing activities, which makes it impossible to plan effective targeted campaigns. It is crucial to reach the right target audience with the right message at the right time-common advertising solutions fail to do this.
Meanwhile, an average website receives more quality information about their visitors for free through Google Analytics than any carefully planned street campaign.
This situation is unsustainable-the devices are already made, they are just need to be adapted to public places.