Bad navigation solutions
What is the greatest problem for a university? We don’t have to think about issues like financing or facility management. For students the greatest everyday problem is the lack of information.
We live in a system, where enormous amount of information is exchanged even outside of class. A student must know which subjects to take, in which building, at what time, who’s the teacher, and how many credits the class is worth. Our devices can display exam dates, list of names, office hours. They can plan the route to the student’s administration office or to the snack bar.
Those who have been to the student’s administration office know that most questions don’t necessarily need personal assistance. Students are often incapable of finding the right answers due to ineffective information.
…we wouldn’t want to see students wandering around desperately before class looking for the right room. We wouldn’t want students to bother the administration with trivial questions. We would like to avoid situations like students showing up to a cancelled class, because they were not notified.